Catholic Daughters of the Americas (known as CDA) is one of the largest organizations of Catholic women in the world. The Knights of Columbus established the order in 1903. CDA courts are located throughout the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
CDA, Court Marion is based out of St. Mary Parish in Mt. Angel, however, many members come from the surrounding parishes. We hold an Arts & Crafts/Bake Sale in December; have a dedicated Quilting Group who meet once a week on Wednesdays; collect toiletries for Project Handclasp; provide funeral luncheons for the parish. Support local projects as Mission Benedict, St. Joseph’s Shelter, Fr. Bernard Youth Center, to name a few plus support Oregon State and National projects like Habitat for Humanity, Disaster Relief, SOAR, the Grotto, Veterans Fund, Father Taaffe Foundation and others.
Meeting date: the 3rd Monday of each month, 7 p.m., meeting room downstairs in the Parish Center September through June except for a few special occasions.