Well…. With the Feast of the Presentation last week, we officially closed the Christmas Season. We took down the tree. The Nativity creche is gone. We’re back in Green Vestments. With the exception of a few stubborn poinsettias who just won’t die…. You can hardly tell that Christmas was even celebrated.
To read more, CLICKAs I looked at the readings to prepare for today’s homily, I thought that today’s Feast, the Presentation, could have been a luminous mystery. Like the baptism in Jordan and the wedding in Cana, Jesus’s presentation at the temple was revelatory in recognizing Him as the Messiah.
As foretold by the Prophet Malachi, The one God sent ...
Today is the closing of the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity, so it is appropriate that we hear from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians because we are all different. But diversity shouldn’t breed contempt, because as St. Paul tells us, we are all part of the same unified….ONE… Body.
Last week, I told you that we would hear about the Second Luminous Mystery in today’s Gospel, and here it is: the Wedding at Cana.
You know, you gotta love this guy, Jesus. I mean, If you were God and were going to manifest your glory, How would you do it? Just think of all of the wonderful things you could do.
Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. But what is an epiphany? It is defined as “A manifestation of a divine or supernatural being.” And considering that Jesus is the Son of God, He qualifies. His appearance on Earth, The Divine Eternal Word becoming man, born of a woman, is an Epiphany.
I don’t know about your mother, but if I would have responded to my
Mom, who just found me at the age of 12 after missing for three days without
telling her, as nonchalantly as Jesus did…. I probably would have been thrown
halfway across the Temple by the back of her hand. And something
On behalf of the staff here at St. Mary’s, I wish you all a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. May it be joyful and prayerful. May it bring you Peace.
Our Gospel today is probably the most famous Maternity Ward story ever. It’s been re-enacted an infinite number of times. We had our own Nativity play here at St. Mary’s on Saturday.
Well, it’s REALLY CLOSE now. When we light all of the candles on the Advent Wreath, we know that we are only days, literally hours away from Christmas. If you haven’t gotten your card in the mail by now… It’s TOO late. And if you haven’t done your shopping by now, you can’t do the easy online purchasing by clicking—To read more, CLICK here
To listen to Audio-OnlyZephaniah was written over 600 years before Christ. It was even before the Babylonian Exile. But it was a time of Jewish religious laxity. The Law of Moses was being abandoned and Idolatry was on the rise. So, Zephaniah speaks of God’s wrath reeking down upon Jerusalem, followed by judgment…. But he promised Salvation for those who have remained loyal to Yahweh. What we hear today is the beginning of Joyful Praise for the loyal remnant that is Restored.
To read more, CLICKWhat a joy it is to be together with all of you during this Advent season in prayer and worship! Advent is a unique time; it’s the season that has some of my favorite music. It’s a time that has at its heart a kind of tip-toe expectation, desire, and hope that the world finally has the ultimate capacity for peace, harmony, and justice.
To read more CLICKToday’s readings revolve around a common theme: Hope through tribulation.
In the Gospel, we get one last Apocalyptic account from St. Luke. For weeks now, we’ve been talking about the end of time. Jesus also talks about the usual signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, the roaring seas, and the very powers of the heavens being shaken. And then they will see…..