Lectors proclaim the Sacred Scriptures at Mass and at other parish liturgical celebrations. Lectors must be fully initiated and be in good standing in the Catholic Church. If you are interested in becoming a Lector, please contact our parish office at [email protected]
You must be a registered parishioner here at St Mary, Mt Angel to serve as a Lector.
Upcoming Training Workshops: TBA
Scheduling: Melissa Pina - [email protected]
Training: Mark Dol - Parish Coordinator ([email protected])
Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) at St Mary, Mt Angel are lay individuals who participate in the Mass by administering the consecrated Body and Blood of Christ to the congregation as part of the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. An EMHC goes through an Archdiocesan set formation to understand and become familiar with the procedures for distributing Holy Communion to the congregation. To be commissioned as a Communion Minister, you must be a confirmed adult in good standing with the Catholic Church (and attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days).
You must be a registered parishioner here at St Mary, Mt Angel to serve as a Communion Minister.
Upcoming Training Dates: TBA
Scheduling: Melissa at [email protected]
Training: Mark at [email protected]
One of the first ways our children can begin participating in the liturgy is by becoming Altar Servers! Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass and exemplify the congregation during the liturgy.
To become an Altar Server, a boy or girl must be baptized, have received First Holy Communion, and be in the third grade or higher. Altar Server recruitment and formation is typically in mid-to-late September (after the school year begins), and shortly after our First Communion weekend for our second graders. You do not need to attend a Catholic school to become an Altar Server.
If your child(ren) would like to become an Altar Server, please use the form below to contact our trainers. You must be a registered parishioner here at St Mary, Mt Angel, for your child(ren) to be an Altar Server.
Upcoming Training Workshop Dates TBA
Scheduling and Training: Mark Dol - Parish Coordinator ([email protected])
We Livestream our main Masses in English and Spanish each weekend, and when requested also Weddings and Funerals. The camera operator is responsible for starting and stopping these Livestream events and operating the cameras we have throughout a given service. This is an important ministry to the homebound and beyond.
We are seeking operators who are open to being on a roster once a month for one weekend Mass. If you would like to be trained for this new ministry by emailing me on the above email.
Camera Operators must be over 17 years of age and have a good sense of using computer equipment. Full training will be given.
Some of our Parishioners can no longer make it to Mass. They must get the opportunity to receive the Holy Eucharist as well. As Ministers, we strive to create a blessed and joyful environment for anyone who needs our service. You can find more information about this ministry HERE. If you would like to help create this beautiful environment for those in need, or if you - or someone you know - would like to receive the Holy Eucharist at home, please contact
Sr Dorothy Jean at [email protected]
Ministry Schedules - Click Below