Dear Parishioners and friends, As I have often said, St Mary’s Church is a special place, a real treasure of the Valley. As a pastor, I always think about the Church's care and care for its people. Over the years, I have heard from you about your frustration with the present sound system in the Church and how many of you have problems hearing well during our Masses and para-liturgies. I know we have tried many times to correct this, and although we have succeeded somewhat, we have yet to solve the problem.
With the advancement of technology in recent years, we can now propose a solution to this problem and provide a crisp, clear sound for all who attend Masses and Liturgies in our Church for many years to come. I am very excited about this project and look forward to it soon becoming a reality. The Auction's Paddle Raise at this year's auction will be dedicated to funding this next project, and we hope that you will join us in making this project a reality. During the night of the Fall Festival, a generous donor is offered a matching grant of $50,000.00. With this generosity, we are on our way to fundraising for this colossal upgrade project; your gift builds on this solid start.
Please take the time to look at the information on these pages to learn more about the project, where we are at with it, and how you can help make this a reality.
"Preserving and Enhancing our Church for future generations."