St. Mary Catholic Church has an active prayer shawl ministry. Parishioners are welcome to join the ministry of prayer and comfort.
Whether they are called Prayer Shawls, Comfort Shawls, Peace Shawls, or Mantles, the shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient. The prayers are continued throughout the making of the shawl. Upon completion, a blessing by Father Ralph is offered before the shawl is sent on its way to someone needing to be wrapped in the love and solace of God. This is a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice that reaches out to those in need of comfort and encouragement, as well as in celebration and joy.
A prayer shawl symbolizes the love and faith of our community here at St. Mary Church. The shawls are given to people who are going through a difficult time in their lives, facing serious illness, physical or emotional trauma. The shawl is the loving work of a person’s hands, as he/she crafts the garment with unconditional love and prayer. The shawl is meant to encircle, comfort, give solace, warm, and hug the one to whom it is given. As each person is unique, each prayer shawl will be uniquely made to remind the person that they are wrapped in love and are never alone. The power of a prayer shawl is not in the shawl: it’s in the love, the blessings, and the prayers that have gone into the shawl.
Attend Meetings and make shawls with the group:
Newcomers always welcome; join us whenever you can. We love experienced knitters and crocheters, and learners are welcome to come and try their hand at the craft. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month, 2 – 4 p.m. in the parish office.
If you cannot come to the meetings, you are invited to knit/crochet the prayer shawls in your own home.
Parishioners are invited to request a prayer shawl for someone who would benefit from knowing that our community supports them in prayer. If you know someone who needs a prayer shawl,
please contact Sister Dorothy Jean.
[email protected] 503 845-2296 or 503 991-9299
Our sincere gratitude goes to all the women and men who have prayerfully and generously knitted/crocheted the beautiful prayer shawls and to all who donated yarn and funds to the ministry.
Donations, of funds or yarn, are greatly appreciated to support this important ministry.